All faculty, staff, and students parking cars on campus are expected to register their vehicles. Students parking on campus must register their vehicles and/or motorcycles annually. Charges for vehicle registrations are placed on student accounts immediately following registration and the appropriate permit is issued. Faculty and staff are issued a permanent hang tag, which must be returned to the University upon leaving their employment.
Once a University of Montevallo “M#” has been assigned through the enrollment or employment process, you need to register your vehicle by following the steps listed below. For more information, you can print the UM Campus Parking Permit Instructions.
Vehicle Registration Instructions
1. Use a computer that is connected to a working printer.
2. From, click on Current Students.
3. Click on Banner Self Service, log in using your M# and PIN.
4. Click on Student
5. Find and click the Bosscars Parking Decal link
6. Open the Register Permit/Vehicle Tab and follow the instructions on each page.
7. You may register more than one vehicle. However, you must register each vehicle separately (one‐at‐a‐time). A $35 charge will be added to student accounts for each vehicle registration.
8. Print the confirmation page.
9. The confirmation page serves as your temporary parking permit.
10. Only display your temporary permit while parking on campus.
11. Place decal in the front lower passenger‐side windshield of your vehicle (right side if sitting inside your vehicle).
12. If you haven’t received your parking decal by the date listed on your temporary permit, contact UMPD. Note* Residential students will need to wait until they move onto campus to receive their decal since it will be mailed to their UM mailbox in Farmer Hall.
13. The temporary permit is valid from the moment you register your vehicle until Sept. 1st. After September 1st, the temporary permit is only valid for 14 days from the date you register your vehicle.
14. Any vehicle that parks on university property must have a UM Parking Permit.
Temporary Parking Permit
Temporary permits are for short-term use in the event that a University-registered vehicle is being repaired or a parking permit is temporarily misplaced or forgotten. These may be obtained 24-7 at the UM Police Dispatch office, located in the Physical Plant. Guests must also register their vehicles through the UM Police Dispatch office to receive a temporary permit.
Disabled Parking Permit Registration
Faculty, staff, and students who have state-issued disabled parking placards or license plates must have University-issued disabled parking permits to park in Blue Zone parking spaces. In order to be issued a blue disabled parking permit, a receipt or registration for your state placard/license plate must be presented to Access and Compliance, located in Main Hall. If you have already purchased a regular parking permit, it should be turned in to Access and Compliance with previously mentioned documentation to receive your new parking permit.
Faculty-Staff and Drivers with Disabilities Permit Placement
Upon registration, faculty, staff, and drivers with disabilities will be issued the appropriately zoned hang tag parking permit. To be properly displayed, the permit must be hung from the rearview mirror with the decal number facing the windshield and unobstructed by any other objects.